"Practical wisdom is only learnt in the school of experience." -Samuel Smiles
Get Creative: AI Article Writing Contest
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Unreal Tournament
A project
• Unreal Tournament

Hi ,
I'v never posted here so i don't know how this goes . Myself and my friend Ceej are working on a project that involves teams of bots playing the unreal tournament fps game (2004 version) . Basically we are using a lighter order communications calculus mixed with some prolog and a bit of java to allow multi bot strategies to be written very simply , making use of small protocols with a wide vocabulary. More information can be found at www.editthis.info/unreal_lcc . Thanks for reading this.

1 posts.
Tuesday 29 August, 15:19
• related project


we are group of students at Charles University in Prague (http://carolina.mff.cuni.cz/~gib/).

We would like to create a platform to facilitate ai development based on the environment of some FPS shooter - probably UT2004. We have made couple AI concerned projects using GAMEBOTs (old version with UT2000) (http://www.planetunreal.com/Gamebots/) and we've found this platform unsuitable for serious complex project.

We are now gathering ideas about what our platform should offer.
Our goal is to create a platform for people who want to research AI using world-like virtual environment.

If you have any ideas, suggestions or related links please let us know. It would be great to have feedback from someone who is acctually working on some AI project.

have a nice day

2 posts.
Tuesday 17 October, 07:48