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Reasoning Abilities

I have to agree, that reasoning abilities are a very big part of an aritifical lifeform. What I thougt was, that this abilities could be restricted by the hard coded language rules.
Some Questions: How is your project going on? What kind of input and outputs do you use? Are there posibilities to use a videocamera as an inputdevice? Do you use a plugin system to add new abilities or functions?


5 posts.
Tuesday 27 May, 10:46
not quite yet

yes, they might be. that's why I'm taking as many language shortcuts as I can find.
My project's hardly going as fast as I'd want it. It's been half a year since I started recoding Arckon into c++ programming, and I've worked a total of 9 days on it now. I'm still on grammar. I have nearly completed the grammar rules to recognise and filter multiple possessive words (like: "my father's father's father's etc.") and other specifications.
Input is simply text via my keyboard. as for output; for the moment, I reverted back to having simple messages pop up on the screen. his sentence-formulation functions have not been recoded into c++ code yet.
I am not integrating any other systems yet, though I have thought up a new system I could put in that will allow Arckon to formulate his own subroutines that he learns from experience.

21 posts.
Wednesday 11 June, 09:42

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